Scheduled: Bitcoin - Upgrade bitcoind to 28.0
Scheduled for Nov 1, 00:00 - 01:00 UTC
We will be upgrading our bitcoind nodes on Bitcoin Mainnet/Testnet to 28.0 on 2024-11-01 at 00:00 UTC

This updates includes the following Highlighted Changes:
- Previously when using the sendrawtransaction RPC and specifying outputs that are already in the UTXO set, an RPC error code of -27 with the message "Transaction already in block chain" was returned in response. The error message has been changed to "Transaction outputs already in utxo set" to more accurately describe the source of the issue. (#30212)
- The default mode for the estimatesmartfee RPC has been updated from conservative to economical, which is expected to reduce over-estimation for many users, particularly if Replace-by-Fee is an option. For users that require high confidence in their fee estimates at the cost of potentially over-estimating, the conservative mode remains available. (#30275)
- RPC scantxoutset now returns 2 new fields in the "unspents" JSON array: blockhash and confirmations. See the scantxoutset help for details. (#30515)
- RPC submitpackage now allows 2 new arguments to be passed: maxfeerate and maxburnamount. See the subtmitpackage help for details. (#28950)

Please see detailed change log at
Posted Oct 25, 2024 - 05:49 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affects: Bitcoin (Mainnet — JSON-RPC API, Testnet — JSON-RPC API).